
IPOR conducted \
IPOR conducted \"Evaluation Study to assess the effectiveness of FFP (Food Fortification Program) Public Awareness campaign interventions and messages\" for Mott MacDonald

In the month of May IPOR conducted “Evaluation Study to Assess the effectiveness of FFP (Food Fortification Program) Public Awareness campaign interventions and messages” in Pakistan, implemented by Mott MacDonald. IPOR conducted a detailed research in 20 districts in three provinces of Pakistan; Punjab, Sindh & KP. IPOR collected a sample of 923 respondents by using two pronged qualitative approaches 113 FGD’s (Focus Group Discussion) & 27 KII’s (Key Informant Interviews). The target groups for this study includes IRMNCH coordinators (Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn, Child Health), DEOs (District Education Officers), SH&NS (School Health & Nutrition Supervisors), LHSs (Leady Health Supervisors), LHWs (Leady Health Workers), Traders, Pregnant Women & Community Fathers. The purpose of that qualitative study was to assess the effectiveness of FFP public awareness.
rnPakistan has recently taken an initiative directly targeting the issue of malnutrition through the process of food fortification and has launched the “Food Fortification Program” funded by the UK’s Department of International Development (DFID). The program ensures the fortification of wheat flour, edible oil and ghee across Pakistan starting from Punjab. It aims to improve the production, access and consumption of wheat flour fortified with iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, and zinc, edible oil and ghee fortified with vitamins A and D.
