
“In the War Of Narrative, It’s The Right Medium That Matters” A Public Opinion Survey on News Consumption Patterns of Pakistani Voters (Traditional Vs Social Media)
“In the War Of Narrative, It’s The Right Medium That Matters” A Public Opinion Survey on News Consumption Patterns of Pakistani Voters (Traditional Vs Social Media)

The Institute for Public Opinion Research (IPOR) conducted a nation-wide survey of Pakistan’s adult population to explore their news consumption patterns and determine the preferred medium—traditional or social media. The study found that 41% favor social media, while 38% rely on traditional media. Television is the leading single source of news at 31%, especially among rural residents (45%). Social media is the primary source for 50% of younger voters (ages 18-35), with Facebook being the most popular platform. Highly educated individuals also prefer social media, with 51% of graduates and 67% of those with a Master’s degree using it for news. The findings suggest that using platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter can help institutions effectively campaign and build narratives, particularly among young and educated urban demographics.
